Scours/ Diarrhea
For kids that are weaned to adults you need to pull all grain and feed only hay and alfalfa along with all the fresh browse that they will eat. Offering ACV in one bucket and electrolytes in another will help keep them from getting dehydrated.
This is one time, that we do encourage offering baking soda free choice until they are better. Giving probiotics will also help replenish good gut flora.
***If they seem a bit off, you can also give Fortified B Complex 5 cc / 100 lbs and some Pepto or Kaolin Pectate (preferred) to help sooth the tummy and dry their bums. Offering our Tummy Healer will also help (in blue box below).
Bottle/nursing kids: you need to remove milk for at least 12 to 24 hours and only offer electrolytes with a pinch of baking soda in it to help keep them hydrated and feeling full. Removing the milk for a period of time, allows the milk that has “soured” in their stomach to be eliminated. You can add a dollop of yogurt to the bottle also. And, again, you can give Fortified B Complex and either Pepto or Kaolin Pectate.
NOTE: Do not mix the electrolyte solutions with the milk because it will interfere with the casein clotting process and make the milk non digestible for the baby goat, adding to the scouring issues.
*black and tar like, yellow to greenish to gray and smelly with a high fever can be Salmonellosis
*bright yellow, runny and projectile can be e.coli. A culture can confirm.
*dark brown to black typically worm or coccidia. Have a fecal done to confirm.
*Dog poo look has good color and it's firm but little to no berries are noticeable. Treat with probiotics and keep watch.
*green tint typically dietary that probiotics will correct, however, you may need to treat to prevent enterotoxemia
*Grenades are berries clumped together. You can see each berry. This can be caused by a bit too much grain, fresh or wet graze or could be the start of something else. Treat with probiotics and keep watch.
*overly dry indicates dehydration from inadequate fluid intake
*Pudding plops where there is no berry shape, only a thick plop, usually treat with probiotics and be sure to keep the goats hydrated.
*runny and has no shape, but not quite water, typically treat with probiotics, kaolin pectate or scour halt (Spectrogaurd)
*yellow to white can be milk scours in nursing or bottle babies
* watery poo usually needs probiotics, cd antitoxin and B complex and electrolytes
*Dark loose stool, sometimes bloody could be enterotoxemia (adults possibly too much grain, kids from too much milk or from replacer)
*Dark brown to black usually worms or cocci. Have fecal done.
*Green tint usually dietary. Probiotics will help, but if runny may need to treat to prevent enterotoxemia.
*Yellow to white could be milk scours in nursing and bottle babies.
*Black tar-like, yellow, to greenish to grey, smelly/foul odor could be Salmonellosis (usually have high fever as well)
*Bright yellow, more florescent green than yellow, projectile runny poop could be E. coli
*Dark loose stool, sometimes bloody could be enterotoxemia (adults possibly too much grain, kids from too much milk or from replacer)
*Dark brown to black usually worms or cocci. Have fecal done.
*Green tint usually dietary. Probiotics will help, but if runny may need to treat to prevent enterotoxemia.
*Yellow to white could be milk scours in nursing and bottle babies.
*Black tar-like, yellow, to greenish to grey, smelly/foul odor could be Salmonellosis (usually have high fever as well)
*Bright yellow, more florescent green than yellow, projectile runny poop could be E. coli

Kaolin Pectin: given every 4 hours as needed
0 to 5 lbs - 5 mL
6 to 15 lbs - 10mL
16 to 30 lbs - 15mL
Over 30lbs - 30 mL every 4 hours as needed
as it can stop the peristaltic action of the gut, causing rapid and painful death.
kids - 2 to 5 cc
adults - 10 to 15 cc
Remember, I am NOT a vet! Always check with your vet before treating your goat(s)!