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Millie's first delivery!

Writer's picture: KelseyKelsey

I've been waiting for this day for a long time! Millie is the sweetest most loving goat the world has ever seen. Millie came to The Happy Hippie Homestead back in the Summer of 2019 from Green Gables Mini Nubian Farm in WI. Green Gables is known for breeding some amazing goats with all of the characteristics that are important to me; milk production, ease of milking, udder shape, good personality, proper conformation, etc).

When it came time to breed Millie I knew Phantom was the man for the job. He comes from amazing milking lines and he is amazing in all ways! Great conformation, lots of moonspots, great personality, superb milk-genes and all kinds of things!

Millie's pregnancy was flawless. She was up and moving around the whole time. In fact, she was still jumping off of the tall spool just yesterday!

She got her CD&T shot (vaccination for Clostridium perfringens type C + D and tetanus) on April 28th, which allows enough time for antibodies to get into her milk so the babies will be protected until they have an immune system of their own. I will give the kids a shot of the same thing at 8 weeks when they leave and then the new owners will be informed to give another shot 21 days later. (Kids born to does with unknown vaccination history or with questionable colostrum ingestion within the first 24 hours of birth should be vaccinated at 7 to 21 days of age and then given a booster 21 days later and then once yearly.)

Okay, back to the birth. I have been watching Millie closely because her 145th day was on May 27th-May 29th, 2021. Since she is a Mini Nubian, her due date window is 145-150 days. The Nigerian side averages 145 days and the Nubian side averages 150 days. Today was day 148-150, depending on what day she was officially bred on.

Her udder started filling up nicely pretty early on. I was so excited to see what would happen when she bagged up!

I woke up every couple hours on the night of June 1st (last night) because I was convinced she would give birth. But she made it through the night without any changes. So, June 2nd came around and I checked her in the morning and didn't see any immediate signs, so I went about my morning. I sent my 8 year old off to school and started my milking chores. My handsome man came bursting into my milking room while I had Ariel on the stand to say that Millie had goo! I checked her a few times and then the barn camera went out. We are having wifi issues with the camera so we went out to check it and Viola! She had legs coming out!

The 1st baby (boy) was stuck with his front legs out so I helped her by pulling with each contraction and we got him out in about 5-7 more pushes. I cleaned his airways and brought him up to mama to clean. Mama was a little shocked, so I helped her clean him off and then she started cleaning him, too.

Within a few minutes, she started pushing again and out came #2! Both babies were presented perfectly, in the diving position. I am so happy with how well it went!

Doeling #6.04 Buckling #6.15 lbs

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