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(Happy Hippie's Chamomile)
Dam's Dam: Green Gables SOF Banana Muffin 3*B
Dam's Sire: Green Gables BF Spice of Freedom +*B

I am so excited about Chamomile! She inherited her dam's great escutcheon and dairy character and she inherited her sire's great depth. She is full of so much potential!
She will be bred to freshen this summer (2023).
Dam's udder
(Millie Rose)


Paternal Granddam's
TMGR Conformation Clinic- 2019
"Only 3 pictures on this kid, but there is plenty to appreciate in those 3 pictures. In general appearance, she has good feet and legs with adequate angle to the rear legs. She toes out a bit in all 4 legs which could be improved. She tends to dip in the chine and could be more level from hips to pin in the rump. In the front end, she ideally would be more smoothly blended at her point of elbow. In body capacity, she is deep in the heart girth and has good depth back into the rear barrel. Although we can’t see the spring of rib or width of loin from the top, her profile suggest she is wide in both. She could use more width in the chest and between the hocks. In dairy strength she has good strength of bone with well angulated ribs and flat bones as seen in the legs. She could use more height and width in the escutcheon with more out curving of the thigh. Ideally her neck would be longer and more smoothly blended into her front end, but I do appreciates the general shape and strength she carries."
-Evaluator: Rebekah Clarke
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